Encounters: Scary Stories to Tell in Quarantine

Last week Paranormal Partners hit downtown Lincoln with their first ever live show at the Happy Raven Bar. While the show went wonderful, unfortunately the recording itself malfunctioned…thanks technology! Kidding, it was definitely human error. With no episode the previous week and practically the entire world on lockdown due to the dreaded “C word” virus, Paranormal Partners has brought you an extra long encounters episode to keep you sane and scared as you are completely unable to leave your house! I know, just what you were hoping for! Ever had a habit or fear that you can’t explain why you have it? Ever knocked on a wall to have the walls seemingly knock back? Ever accidentally walk in on a ghost taking a tinkle? Jade’s got you covered with these stories! If you desire a darker and sadder tale, Eric will make your spine chill with ghost stories from a crime scene cleanup crew…Happy Quarantine!

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